Wednesday, February 28, 2007
my mommy has cancer
Hugging little children helps a lot. Having lovely children who say, "I love you Mommy," and ask me if I would like some water helps too.
I beg you to join with them in prayer.
God bless your child Julia,
keep her in your embrace.
Guide the surgeon's hand,
and give her your peace.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My absolute favorite picture books
Monday, February 26, 2007
house for sale
Sunday, February 25, 2007
4th grade slump?
Now, we haven't begun 4th grade yet (we will in 6 months), but I can see how critical it is that 9 year olds find books that interest them and expose them to a wide variety of subjects to better understand the world around them. Will loves anything mechanical and engineering related and I encourage that with suggesting gifts such as Snap Circuits and Physics Workshop, and bringing home umpteen books that explain how things are made. I can also see that Mary has been entranced by all things equine and is currently speed reading through the "Pony Pals" series designed exclusively for the 6-9 year old "horse-crazy" girl market. My job is to continue to promote reading and keep them excited about learning about all sorts of things. My other job is to not burn them out with testing. Luckily this is not difficult since they are not in the public school system and we only test them for 3 days each spring, using the CAT survey test.
4th place
Friday, February 23, 2007
tempting, tempting...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Doctors chastized for being moral
They found that it was big -- and implied that it was quite scary. About 14% of patients, more than 40 million Americans, may be cared for by doctors who do not feel obliged to disclose information about treatments which they object to. And 29%, or nearly 100 million, may be cared for by doctors who will not refer to other doctors for morally controversial practices such as "terminal sedation" (sometimes described as euthanasia), abortion and providing teenagers with contraceptives without parental consent. Since 52% of doctors objected to abortion for failed contraception and 42% to contraception without parental consent, the authors feel that patients should be worried.
The study also found that male doctors with religious convictions are the least likely to endorse full disclosure of their prejudices and referral to more compliant colleagues. "Thus, those physicians who are most likely to be asked to act against their consciences are the ones who are most likely to say that physicians should not have to do so," say the authors.
The study shows that "a lot of physicians out there... are not, in fact, doing the right thing," commented David Magnus, a Stanford bioethicist. He said that since emergency contraception is considered standard care in ER, doctors who are opposed should avoid working there. Many doctors may have solved the dilemma by acting against their conscience. The lead author of the study, Farr Curlin, says that although doctors tend to be slightly more religious than the public, they are much less likely to carry their beliefs into their workplace, with 58% saying that they do, compared with 78% of the public.
The issue of conscientious objection for health care workers also troubles the Vatican . The Pontifical Academy for Life will host a conference on the topic later this week in Rome , with speakers from the US , Australia , England and France , amongst others." ~ NEJM, Feb 8
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
spanking bill not introduced
For two weeks, Lieber has publicly pushed to make spanking your own child under age 4 a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail, a $1,000 fine, or both. Now she’s retreating, as evidenced by two published reports that she intended to introduce her no-spanking bill no later than today.
Lent is coming
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Children of God
what kind of cookie are you?
You Are an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie |
![]() On the surface, you're a little plain - but you have many subtle dimensions to your personality. Sometimes you're down to earth and crunchy. Other times, you're sweet and a little gooey. |
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Don't what?!
Why on earth would she even think that I wanted to lick her Kraft processed cheese slice?
Friday, February 16, 2007
A Housekeeper is Better Than a Divorce
Thursday, February 15, 2007
vacuum woes
thirsty monsters
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Catholic Blog Awards
Happy Valentine's Day
Monday, February 12, 2007
Confederate receipts
Sunday, February 11, 2007
ship tour
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Mary!
Friday, February 09, 2007
What does the general public think of homeschooling?
"Most home schooling parents keep their children out of public schools to indoctrinate them with a private brand of religion. It’s not a horror of public schools so much as a horror of exposing their kids to people who don’t believe the seas will turn to blood in their lifetimes, etc.
"I would love to have been home schooled had it not been some form of social suicide, seems like a great way to learn though."
"Home schooling is a good option for “kids who don’t fit in” or those at the IQ extremes. However IME it’s more for parents who can’t get along with others’ ideas, whether those are religious, academic, or social. The results are a mixed bag. You’ll never hear about the kids who fall through the home school cracks."
"I always thought home schooling was a way for over-protective parents to isolate their kids from society. It ends up doing more harm than good because even though schools don’t have the greatest curriculum, what they are good at teaching is human interaction. It’s really the social context of schools that ends up being the best education for children being prepared for the adult world. Its social skills that lead to success, not book smarts."
"I had to go to college for four years, take numerous tests, and get a license just to teach one subject. But if parents think they can teach their kids every subject better, then more power to them.
I no longer teach high school because I got sick of kicking kids out of class, having the police come to my class room to arrest one of my students, and hearing about how a student was absent the day before because he was home with his dad smoking pot before his dad had to go back to jail. But I’m sure all those were the fault of teachers…"
Thursday, February 08, 2007
frugal hot drinks?
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Wednesday Quiz
Congratulations! You are more knowlegeable than most modern theologians! You have achieved mastery over the most important doctrines of the Catholic Faith! You should share your incredible understanding with others!
Do You Know Your Baltimore Catechism?
Make Your Own Quiz
After 3 1/2 years of teaching religion using Seton's books this quiz was embarrassingly easy.
I had a dream the other night that we were at an interview for a local Catholic school. After looking around, I asked a bunch of questions, including, "Do you incorporate Catholic teaching in every subject?" Of course the answer was, "No."
I am so glad that my children (and I) are learning about the Catholic faith and history in English and Spelling, Science and Reading, as well as their Religion and History texts.
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes
This too was very easy. We read a story aloud from the Picture Bible every evening. I didn't even have to guess about Ruth, we reviewed that book in the Bible last week in Little Flowers. (So much for Catholics not knowing their Bible)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
thrift store shopping
I still shop our local thrift stores for clothes for all of our family, only drawing the line on undergarments, socks, and shoes (those come from the exchange).
I signed up
Housekeeping Meme
Sunday, February 04, 2007
what to wear?
One black pump was missing.
Now, the girls like to dress up with this pair, since it they are the only ones with heels, so I figured it was in their closet.
The problem was it wasn't.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Science: the subject with the most prep and cleanup
Friday, February 02, 2007
just another morning...
Sooooo, that's what you meant
Miss Kate: "Maggie, are you going to wear your pajamas on Tuesday?"
Maggie: "I don't have any pajamas."
Miss Kate: "Well, what do you wear to bed then?"
Maggie: "Jammies!"
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Silly quiz time
You Are Bobby Brainy |
![]() Ultra competitive, you will do almost anything to win. From pull ups to pool sharking, you're very talented. And while everyone is aware of your victories, they still (affectionately) consider you to be a little brat! |