Monday, April 21, 2008

note writers

I once thought that since the children were not in school they would have little use for writing and passing notes. Lately I have been inundated with scribbles as well as lengthy paragraphs.

Poor Tim has 1 week left of the horrible 15 hour day rotation and is sick so Will posted this on our bedroom door one Saturday morning.

And he was better, for a spell.

This was from Mary, a reminder to her brother.

This is Will's persuasive plea for a cap gun he saw at Cracker Barrel. I let him use it for a paragraph assignment for school. However, he said yesterday that he didn't deserve it because he had been nasty to Charlie and Timmy.

I guess he was listening when I told him he could get one when he proved he was responsible. This scrupulosity has shown that all the hours we spend memorizing the Baltimore Catechism are paying off. However, we need to spend a little more time on the 5th Commandment, which includes not being mean and cruel to your siblings.


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I LOVE the note!

"because, what do you think, you want to save money as much as possible..."


Goodwyf Allie said...

I can even hear the inflection that he used. . .boys are so. . .boy-ish--it's universal isn't it.