Friday, October 30, 2009

bad mommy

Yesterday Maggie turned 7 and I forgot. At breakfast when she announced, "I get to pick what we're going to have 'cause its MY birthday!" my face went white and very still. I knew it was this week, but Thursday seemed so far away that there was still plenty of time to make a cake, buy presents... no need to think about it now. Until it was Thursday after Maggie's announcement and I knew there was no way out. No time to buy the sweetest gift, no time to make a cake, no time to eat it with the girls going to ballet and then 30 minutes before Will had to leave for Scouts.

I called Tim, "Today is Maggie's birthday!" "Oh no." I sat down with her on the steps and proposed an alternative, "You can go to ballet tonight and we can celebrate your birthday tomorrow with pizza and presents. How about that?" "Sure!" I swear that she should get extra gifts for being so agreeable, but then she already is my most polite and cheerful child in the bunch.

Happy Birthday again my sweet Maggie Mae.


Maurisa said...

Whoa! That is my worst nightmare come true. I pray I never forget one their birthdays. I'd feel so incredibly bad! Thankfully, you have a real sweet heart there. She's a keeper :-)

dstb said...

I feel your pain. My youngest has his birthday at the beginning of March and I always seem to be caught off guard by it. Maybe because February is a short month, I don't know.

Good for her for rolling with the punches!