Sunday, July 22, 2007


I did it, I went and bought a pair of those ugly Croc shoes (I got red) everyone in Maine seems to be wearing. I feared they would make my size 9 feet look even bigger and the bright colors do make them resemble clown shoes, but...

I love them.

They can go to the beach, out to the compost pile in the rain, even to a friend's house so I can easily slip them off while still holding the baby so I don't track mud in her clean home.

But don't ever think you will see me wearing them at Mass- it would just be the height of tackiness.

edited to add: I did buy an off brand at the overstock store for only $7, but they look the same.

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

What do they look like? I have size 10 feet, but the practical uses sound too good to pass up for this "mountain mama."