Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Catholic meme

Ages ago someone tagged me for a 5 favorite Catholic hymns meme and I did go through our parish's homemade hymnal, in which I found all the old favorites that even I tone-deaf girl extraordinaire, can sing. But as we were in the midst of moving the scrap of paper was packed away and just came to light. Let me know if perhaps some are your favorites too.

O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Holy, Holy, Holy
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
Almighty Father Strong to Save

The last is otherwise known as the Navy hymn, which sends me into great gushes of tears every time I hear it. They played it at my grandfather's funeral 3 years ago and very appropriately, since he retired from the US Navy after 35 years of service to our country.

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