Wednesday, March 28, 2007

happy 9 month birthday

to my little blue eyed Gerber baby. Timmy has been on the speed track developmentally, trying to keep up with his siblings. He has already crawled up the stairs several times in the past week. Do you know how hard it is to deal with baby gates with 4 other children in the house? He is also the most delightful baby, going down for naps without a fuss, smiling with that still toothless grin, and giggling uncontrollably when tickled.
As much as I dislike changing nappies and spooning mush into mouths I hope he is not our last. For someone who didn't plan to have any babies, I certainly think they are marvelous now!
Speaking of Gerber babies, if you go to their web site, you can order these really cool and cheap frames. I have one for each of the children engraved with their name and birthday on our mantel. The short handled spoons are great too, just the right size for little mouths.

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