Sunday, May 31, 2009

"what a fat baby!"

was the comment made several times recently on excursions to the grocery store and the thrift shop.

In HSLDA's magazine there is a regular feature by Dr. Roger Sayre, a homeschooling dad of 11. This month is about nursing babies not getting enough nutrition when Mommy is under stress and how homeschooling can result in low weight babies if care isn't taken. The 4 conditions to produce milk that is both high in quality and supply are: good health, good nutrition, adequate rest, and a quiet comfortable nursing environment.

Obviously with an almost 3 month old who is in the 95th% for weight and height Julia Ellen is getting plenty to eat. In fact, I had to go out and buy her "new" clothes because what I had planned on her wearing all summer are not going to fit more than a few weeks. My comfortable nursing space is my bed. I can put a glass of cold water or iced tea on the table, prop a book on my knees, and let the baby nurse as long as she wants. Maggie loves to climb up with me to get a little one-on-one time with me and the older kids watch the little boys while Julia Ellen slurps and gulps her way to "Bubba Gut" status.

I'm not trying to crow about this, in fact, I feel a little guilty that perhaps I'm not doing enough with the other children that would cause me to be stressed out. No, we haven't played as many games or read as many stories as usual the last few months, but I have given the children a brand new playmate who smiles and coos and is just as cute as can be.

And that is something to be proud of.

1 comment:

Foxfier said...

My sister's baby is a wonderfully fat little guy-- it's amazing how many folks are UPSET about it!