Monday, May 18, 2009

and on the 5th day....

there was POOP!

Maurisa, you were spot on, it was explosive and got all over her outfit, her socks, her blanket, my jeans, my hands... I'm so grateful she did this at home (and not out in public), not at dinner time, and when most of the children are with their father at baseball. One bath later she is a sweet smelling and clean little babydoodle again.


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

When my 9 yo was a baby, he went for a few months pooping just once a week - on Thursdays, like clockwork.

I learned not to make plans!

Maurisa said...

Um, yeah. Be sure to always take an extra outfit with you. I am notoriously bad about this and have had infants in Mass wearing nothing more than their Huggies after an explosion!

Sharon said...

WOO-HOO! I remember freaking out and calling the Dr. for our first when he hadn't pooped after 3 or 4 days. Gave him a little suppository, and viola!

Tracy said...

What a cutie! I'm glad you were at home.

When Craig was 4mos, he had just had his immunizations. We went to a park on base where they were having a flight picnic. Chuck's Chief was holding Craig, missing his grandbabies, when he, ummm, had an explosive reaction to the shots. Much like what you described, only on the Chief, too. Talk about embarassing and awkward. He was very, very gracious about this, just chuckled and said that it was a good thing BDU's were made to hide things!