Saturday, May 23, 2009

it is so quiet...

Yesterday the girls left for a weekend sleepover at their aunties' houses and it is amazing how my work load has diminished with only 4 children in the house.

Only 4 children... it seems funny, because when I had 1 child it seemed like there was an impossible amount of work and effort to get through the day, but now if I only have 3-4 kids at Mass or while running errands it is a mini-vacation. It seems too bad that I didn't know how easy 2 children could be when I only had that number, I could have saved myself a lot of whining and complaining. I certainly don't regret the large number of little people I have to feed and clothe and cuddle, the joy and laughter far outweighs the loads of dirty laundry and arguments that must be broken up every day.


Karen said...

Isn't it funny? lol People do not realize how much more energy it takes to keep one or two children entertained. :-D

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Isn't that funny?!

When my husband takes the older ones somewhere, I'm apt to say "I have only 3 to get in bed" or "I'll only have 4 with me". My sis who has 2 always says sarcastically "Oh, yeah, ONLY 4..."

I had 3 with me at Mass today and it was so easy!