Saturday, September 29, 2007

I miss Maine

Here is the latest photo of our garage/apartment on the farm. See the tractor and truck in their homes for the winter? The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and cool and the wild turkeys are out in full force. What a contrast to sweltering North Carolina where it is still close to 90 F most days!


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

It does look beautiful!

How did you get the picture? Is the garage/apartment being built while you are down in NC?

I hope you get some fall weather where you are soon. It comes as such a relief after the heat of summer.

kat said...

The builder periodically sends digital photos. That way we can see how far he has gotten and send him a acheck when each portion gets finished. It certainly boosts our spirits!
The lastest photo is our background pic on the computer now.