Monday, February 28, 2011

running update

On Saturday I woke the girls up at 6am (the boys all got up at 6:15 to get ready for Mass since Will was serving) to cheer me on for the 3rd race of a local cross-country series. These are all serious runners, they have to be to brave 20F wind chill at the top of Mt. Trashmore, so the competition is fierce. Even after training hard I came in 5th in my age bracket, but managed to come out ahead in the overall score and brought home this beauty of a trophy.

The reason I run is to be able to eat what I like, the reason I race is so I don't slack off, and the reason I run hard is so I don't make a fool of myself in races. It is a big circle and now I have upped the stakes by attempting some longer races than the standard 5Ks. My first, and possibly only, 1/2 marathon is in 6 weeks so I better strap my shoes on and hit the pavement for some long, not too slow runs to get ready. 'Cause despite have a valid excuse such as giving birth 6 times, I have too much of a competitive streak to employ it.  

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