Tuesday, March 16, 2010

reading bombs

I love to read and somehow, even with 6 children at home all day, I read about one book a day. The other night when I saw someone reading on their Kindle, I asked her, "Do you really like that? Don't you miss the feel of the paper, the weight of the book on your knees when you read in bed?" (or something similar, like, "How do you like that thing?") She said, "Oh, I've been reading so much more now. I've finished 4 books since Christmas!" But I can read really fast and grew up in a home where we spent as much time reading as sleeping, sometimes more. Other people didn't get that growing up and read much slower. They probably remember a lot more of what they read too, while I can't recall who actually 'did it' in the murder mystery I read last week. (but that can be beneficial as I can read it again and again and again)

Occasionally I get to peruse the stacks at the local library alone. There is time to read the inner flap and the author bio and take more than 30 seconds to decide if I want to stick it in my tote bag. Usually though, I am pulling books off the shelf and stuffing them in my bag with little more than the cover art to go on. I've read some good books this way and it doesn't cost me anymore than a sore shoulder at any rate. But lately I have brought home some really horrible books and since Tim was away I stayed up to late reading and didn't bother just dropping them on the floor and picking up another. Today I'm heading back with my tote full of duds and trying again.

I'm sharing the 4 worst books I checked out so if you happen to spy them on the library shelf you can steer clear and not waste your time. HGTV The Best of Designers' Challenge: if I was interested in $120,000 Tuscan inspired kitchen makeovers, or $40,000 bathroom redos featuring fireplaces and candles across the wall I might be more interested, but as I want to pick out wall colors for our new home, it is a little too over the top.

A Rogue of My Own: Yes, I occasionally read Regency romances, but this was cliched, predictable from page 2, and plumb stupid. I would have spent my time much better by rereading a Jane Austen for the 100th time. Much better.

The Working Poor, Invisible in America: all the poor in America are just beaten down by the system, in awful circumstances... and we have to fix it. We should pay more and more taxes to give these folks who have children at 14, use drugs, commit crime, and drop out of school a decent apartment, food, and teachers who are exceptional. There needs to be a safety net so wide to allow them to be comfortable while earning minimum wage. Now, I'm not a heartless witch, but there was little mention of personal responsibility in this book. Instead of making me feel sorry for the adults who found themselves in dire straits, I only felt pity for the poor children born to them.

The last dud book for the week was The Sweet By and By, a thinly veiled "Christian" novel which started without introducing the main characters so that I couldn't make heads or tails of it by page 5. After reading page 8 I gave up and was grateful that I didn't read another word.

So, here's to a better batch of books this week.


Renee said...

There are so many bloggers that review books. YOu can stop by my blog and click on book reviews in the right side bar (www.reneesuz.blogspot.com) or my friend RAnn does as well - her blog is: http://www.rannthisthat.blogspot.com/

Ute said...

Thanks for the warning. I'll stay clear of these books! ;-)
But I have to tell you: Although I read a lot (and just like you forget a lot of details of the books I've read), I love my Kindle (as I just stated in my Quick Takes). Once you are used to it (and it doesn't take long) you can get totally lost in the story, just like with a paper book. And it's so portable!!

Anonymous said...

wow- for a prolife person- your assessment on the poor is .....well....surprising.
Hoping to see more when I lurked this way:<0