Tuesday, January 22, 2008

found this under Mary's bed:


1 Brush teeth in morning and eveing.
2 Make bed before going down stairs.
3 get dressed.
4 take laundury down stairs and do it.
5. Say prayers,
6. Eat breakfast.
7. Do more laundury.
8. Go play.
9. Pracktcs the Multapacachin tables.
10. Make lunch.
11. Eat Lunch.
12. Do more laurndury.
13. Go play.
14. Do more laundury , if is anay more.
15. Go play.
16. Take shower.
17. Put Charile to bed.
18. Read a little.
19. Say prayers.
20. Go to bed.

this chart is Mon-Fri only.

(notice that #7: Do school is nowhere on the list.) If she actually did 1/2 of the actual work on this chart I would be able to lie on the sofa and eat bon-bons much of the day. Unfortunately, I am the one who does most of the laundry, though Will does some days and both kids carry the basket up the stairs and dump it on my bed. I recall making these kinds of lists when I was little, but she is much more ambitious than I ever planned on being.

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