Tuesday, November 20, 2007

what a blog is, and what it is not

I have been accused of censorship by moderating comments because a disgruntled atheist wants to write nasty things on MY blog. Sorry, a blog is a combination of diary, letter, newsletter, and photo gallery, it is not a government entity or a newspaper. I do not have to present both sides in any debate whatsoever. If you want to express your opinion and it is not something I want to be associated with I suggest you get your own blog.

(again I don't want this to be a debate board, there are plenty of those out there in internetland. This is a place to express my thoughts and to participate in the exchange of ideas among other moms who have large families, homeschool, are Catholic, or just like to read about our lives.)


Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic.

Only the government has the power to censer. I wish more people understood that the Bill of Rights doesn't apply to private individuals and organizations it exists to protect the private sphere from the government.

Michelle said...

Yes, I try often in vain to explain that only the government can actually censor stuff. The rest of us are free to take your speach...or leave it.

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...


I currently do not moderate my comments, but I will if I start getting nasty ones.

And I have been known to edit comments already made--especially a few with nasty words that I'd not want my son to read.

You have every right to choose what you will have on the blog you are responsible for.

I was going to discuss the actual meaning of censorship, but other commentators beat me to it!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

I enjoy your blog just the way it is!

Don't let the "trolls" get you down!