Saturday, September 11, 2010

children of the corn

No, I'm not taking the children to a Stephen King film festival (but, I should take them to see the spooky wrought iron fence surrounding his house in Bangor), but cooked up a big pot of corn for supper. Finally, our Silver Queen is ripe, but we were not able to start harvesting until September because silly me planted a 90 day variety. Next summer I'll plant a much faster maturing corn, knowing that they children beg, literally beg me to serve them this vegetable for lunch and dinner. Both nights we have set the water to boil and gone out and picked plump ears, stripping off the husks at the compost pile, before cooking the already tender veggie for only 3 minutes.

Will sets out the plastic holders and Mary pours the milk, while my job is to push each holder into the ends and smear butter in an assembly line fashion. Twice I have had to harvest seconds in the middle of supper because of the clamor, "Can I have another piece, pleeeease?" Julia Ellen refuses to eat the kernels I cut off the cob, but holds the greasy piece in her tight grasp and gnaws them off before attempting to chew off the whole tip. I'd give them corn every night, but our patch has to have a few days respite to produce more ripe ears.

Our next culinary project is to make pumpkin pie from scratch, using fruit we grew ourselves and not from a can. I'm only guessing, but am pretty sure that turning pumpkin into pie is going to take longer and be slightly messier than harvesting and cooking corn.  

1 comment:

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I've roasted and frozen pumpkin puree before. Make sure you put it in a colander overnight to drain off the water before using it!