Wednesday, July 16, 2008

unpacking and getting settled

A wonderful sight greeted us at breakfast this morning, two hard working men in grey proceeded to spend 10 full minutes shoving this mountain of boxes,

into the back of the County recycling truck. Yesterday while I was on the phone chatting with Michelle of rosetta stone, the kids dismantled my carefully stacked piles and made a huge fort spreading across the yard. Of course they all helped stack it back up, even though a certain 8 year old's attitude needed a tiny bit of adjusting.

My energy level and attitude have been flagging too, it is impossible to go-go-go day after day without some down time. However, I can't wait to get to Maine and get started on all the projects I have planned for the farm. Of course first I have to unpack two POD storage units sitting in the front yard and organize yet another house. But I'm sure that a few walks along the shore will restore my spirits.

I only have a few days left to give the house here needed a little more TLC so we invited Cousin Ann to help hang pictures. She has a fabulous eye for color and I have to say that her idea of putting the Chinese ancestor paintings over the mantel in the kitchen was terrific.

Many of the pictures and pieces of furniture we have acquired have come from family or have an interesting story (at least to me) and this set is no exception. The originals belonged to my grandfather and because my mother loved them so, her mother and sister made copies - painted them by hand and gave them to her for Christmas about 10 years ago. When mother died I so much wanted to feature them prominently in my own home to remind me of these 3 very special women in my life. Now I will have sweet memories of the past while I share bread with the family God has entrusted to my care.

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