Tuesday, February 26, 2008

successful Low Mass

This morning we headed out for the hinterlands to attend the only weekday TLM in the diocese of Raleigh. The priest, Father Betti, is a pleasant fellow who is trying hard to learn his Latin and has his hands full at the altar. I certainly don't want to appear like a know-it-all intruder, but it was painful to watch folks stand through most of Mass because they didn't have any direction. To remedy this for the short term, I typed up a one page instruction sheet and brought it along. (Father approved it first) Happily, I saw people reading it and trying to follow along and other than having to announce at the Offertory, "please be seated," it was a vast improvement. My children did their part by being angelic and so were rewarded with lunch and ice cream at Chick-fil-a. Over time both the priest and congregants will learn the rubrics and I will be grateful that I was able to help in some small way to expand the Traditional Latin Mass.

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