Sunday, August 05, 2007

Cathedral Day

This morning we are driving to the "big city" to attend a Traditional Latin Mass at the Cathedral. It is going to a hectic morning since we must leave at 8:30am for noon Mass. First we are picking up a fascinating lady whose daughter has 8 children and lives in a Catholic commune in Arkansas. Then we will meet to pick up more folks about an hour down the road. My van will be full. I feel so popular, but I suspect it is the 5 empty seats I have available! Afterwards there is a lunch and then the long drive back.

I know there will be some difficulties with the children, but if I am prepared with extra clothes, snacks, books, and tapes then I think I can cope. I am looking forward to meeting some of the other Catholic homeschooling families I have been corresponding with via e-mail. But mostly I am looking forward to attending High Mass again. While I know I shouldn't make decisions by how I feel, but when I attend the Mass of the Ages, the Mass attended by so many Saints, I feel like I am part of the holiest thing imaginable on earth. It draws me closer to God, it persuades me to put away sin and strive for perfection. It simply helps me be a better mother and wife and child of God. I took the service for granted when we were in Virginia, but I treasure the opportunity I have today to experience a little piece of Heaven.


Karen said...

So that WAS you that I saw at Mass today! I knew you looked familiar! :)
Just so you know, I have written to two area priests asking for a wkly TLM.. one in Pittsfield and one in Bangor. I also plan to ask for one in Waterville.

kat said...

Karen! Congratulations on the new little baby boy. Your girls were so helpful and good during Mass.

It always amazes me how my children are always the quietest family in the NO parish, but the loudest one in the TLM.