Tuesday, September 01, 2009

barely controlled chaos

Well, we made it through 2 mornings of the school year and I am beginning to feel that I have lost my mind. Why? 4 children who constantly call,"Mommy I need help right now!" A baby who wants to be held non-stop. A growing pile of clean clothes spreading across my bedroom floor. 2 children who feel that the house should be perfectly silent until they finish their work and resent someone younger even coming inside for juice. No clean cups because they are all in the dishwasher. A toddler who tries to help by emptying his urine filled potty into the toilet, spilling all across the bathroom floor. A fridge full of food that no one but me will eat. Dishes coated with oatmeal goo piled next to the sink.

But the floor was swept and mopped yesterday and slowly all the children are attended to, the chores done, and everyone fed. Julia Ellen is sitting on my lap cooing, Timmy is napping, and everyone else is playing outside. The peace I have been searching for all morning is finally here.

At least for the next 30 seconds.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kat,

Bless your heart! I am beginning school with trepidation due to thoughts about everything your first two mornings held...

Hang in there and God bless your efforts!


Anonymous said...

This is off topic, but I was wondering if you would use your blog to say September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month? I was sorry to read in your past blogs that your mother died of it, and with mine currently very ill with it, I want to shout awareness from the rooftops!

Thank you very much!

Bleu said...

Oh my goodness, I know just what you mean! I have a daughter who becomes extremely upset if her siblings enter the room or make the tiniest noise while she is working.

Today was our first day back to homeschooling after summer break, and when it was over, I found myself on the internet looking at a local charter school. :)

Tomorrow is another day.

I saw the comment above about ovarian cancer. My mother is fighting it now; this is her second bout. I'm so sorry to read that you lost your mother to this disease.