Saturday, May 05, 2007


the great gray ghost, the new vehicular mode of transportation for our family.

After test driving several Ford full size vans at the local "vans, vans, we only sell vans" dealer, the decision between the 8 and 12 passenger models was left solely to me. I went with more seats, rather than more cargo room, figuring into the equation the possibility of being open to more little lives in our home (just not this week, please).

Tim wasn't too keen on the 350, but now that we have it home he seems to really like our choice. I know that it will be wonderful to have more room to spread the children out, and it will work well on road trips, but slipping into a tight parking space and whipping down off-ramps are now things of the past. You just can't drive a 1 ton truck like a nimble little sportscar. However, driving it almost makes me long to be back in Jamaica. I wouldn't recommend it to wimps, since the official rule of the road there is that the larger vehicle always has the right-of-way. Watch out all you Miata and Mini Cooper drivers!


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

More seats was a good decision. You'll have room for tag-along friends, family, and you can always put those groceries in the empty seats!

Mama Says

Christine said...

I had a one ton Dodge Ram van for several years. I was glad to be able to downsize in teh last year, though. The cost quite a bit to drive around! You opted for more seating....but I bet those seats come out. If you need more "cargo" space, you can always take out a row or two and leave them in the garage til you are down toting cargo...


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Congratulations on the new wheels and on the first communion. Hope the "itchies" go away soon!