Monday, March 22, 2010

a rethinking

It just seems like yesterday when I was at my breaking point and needed something (or more than one something) to get back on track academically and mentally. Only 2 months ago I was walking around the local Catholic school seriously contemplating enrolling the children. This past weekend was beautiful and warm (80F on Sunday) and we are doing 4th quarter work in some subjects, so we are seeing sunlight at the end of the tunnel.

However, the homeschool co-op I raved about in December is not working out as well as I would like, it seems like a hormonal froth of petty accusations every time we go, "Your child is out of control! She is eating too much sugar for breakfast!" "Your children were eating during the movie!" "Your child was where he wasn't supposed to be!" "Your child is not following the dress code!" (I didn't even know there was one) I don't get relief from duty like most of the moms and then somehow I'm supposed to be supervising in 3 places during lunch, all while hauling around a 20+ pound kid while everyone else sits back and chats in the lounge.

Part of me wants to send an email to the group saying, "Thanks for the help, but this isn't fun anymore," while the other part doesn't want to be a quitter with only 8 weeks left. I really do like some of the ladies and do provide a service watching the preschoolers in the nursery, but the day completely wears me out and I don't like the older ones being in a class where the teacher obviously has a grudge against them. I also want to squeeze in few more field trips before we packout, including returns to Mt. Vernon and the National Zoo, as well as seeing the US Naval Academy, my father's and grandfather's alma mater. So, I need to spend some time in prayer and decide what we are going to do for the last few months of the school year; stay home or finish out the co-op year.


Renee said...

Co-op is a tricky thing. We are trying one this semester but it only meets 2x a month. My high schoolers stay home to work on regular lessons; I only bring my 4th and 5th grader. I am an assistant so I help where needed (but not in the nursery)

Unknown said...

What's the difference between a homeschool co-op and a school then? I'm just asking because I'm not sure we have this kind of scenario in England.

Michelle said...

Maybe the co-op was what you needed then, and now that you have gotten over the hump, you don't need it anymore?

Laura said...

I was just about to say what Michelle said. At the time, the co-op helped you get through a rough spot. Now, you aren't quitting, you are just readjusting. Just like you readjusted by going into the co-op. Run far away and fast from negative people.

your pal from Ora

Unknown said...

I think you have to do what works for your family. Do things add stress or relieve stress? Is it enjoyable or a burden? Is it a valuable use of your time, or a waste of time? Is it enriching your homeschool experience?

Answer these kinds of questions for yourself, weigh the pros & cons, and I think you'll know what to do.